we all dream of being different personalities when we grow up; some want to be pilots, some want to be soldiers, and some want to be singers. However, as time passes, things change, and we all get stuck in the loop of life. Although, some still dream of being singers and work hard on their part. But, shooting a directionless arrow yields nothing. So, to become a singer, there are specific steps you need to follow and things you need to do. If you are unaware of what these could be, luckily, we have them sorted for you. Change your perspective. Let's begin with the most popular myth about singing: you don't have to have a natural talent to make music as a performer. Modern songs emphasize the vocalist as the principal protagonist of the music they create. However, almost every music you hear is the culmination of hundreds of competent individuals working on various aspects of production. Although the singer clearly contributed to the mix, the final polished soun...